Dual Occupancy Homes

A dual occupancy home is one where there are two fully contained dwellings on one title.
House comes with:

2 separate, council-approved dwellings

2 water meters

2 power meters

2 sets of aircon

2 kitchens

2 separate entrances including 2 external entrance facades.

Fire protection envelope for each dwelling

Separate outdoor living areas
One price, but two dwellings. In the case of The George, one fixed price, full turnkey, tenant ready dual occupancy House and land is $1,080,000 and rents for a combined income of $980 – $1,020. That’s a 5% yield.
(Prices accurate as of January 2023)
Dual Occupancy House & Land starting from
Email us today for more information.
Available Packages
Lot 13
Lot 31
Lot 34
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